Optimizing a LoyalFans Page and Content for Maximum Revenue

Optimizing a LoyalFans page and content for maximum revenue

Niching down

It’s a general truism in all of marketing that when you’re starting, you should think narrowly, and we believe this is especially true here.

What we mean by this is that you can’t be everything to everyone, so instead, target a smaller, niche audience and give them the best content you possibly can. To do otherwise is to dilute your marketing, dilute your messaging, and dilute the product.

This is how you build a loyal audience who will continue to pay to remain in your fan club. Find devotees of a particular niche and give them what they can’t get anywhere else.

Niches and sub-niches

When we say “niche down,” that implies a direction rather than a destination. If you choose a niche and find that it’s saturated and feel you’ll have a hard time standing out, dig deeper. Get more specific. Combine one niche with another.

Just be sure the market exists. If you niche down too far, you may find yourself with five rabid fans and no more. The key is to find a balance.

Choosing your niche

Questions to ask yourself:

Is there something people are regularly complimenting me on?

Is there anything unique about my appearance, personality, talents, or interests?

Is there anything I particularly enjoy?

That last question may be the key to success, as visitors to your page can often sense if you’re truly excited about what you’re doing or if you’re just going through the motions to get a check. Do your best to make content that you enjoy making.

A catchy name

We recommend never using your real name. Come up with something marketable and catchy. Try to make it something people can remember.

A compelling profile photo

This might be the most important component of attracting new followers to your page from within the site. People browse our directory and look at the photos. If something catches their eye, they click it.

But you don’t want to waste time with people who won’t be interested in your content, so make your profile photo authentic and relevant to the content you’re offering subscribers.

A compelling bio

We cover this topic in detail right here.

Be uniquely you

This goes deeper than choosing a unique niche. Try to let your personality come through in your content and posts. The more interesting you are, the more people will continue to follow you.

Use all the relevant tools that LoyalFans has to offer

We offer many ways for creators to earn money, and it’s doubtful you’ll use every one of them. But try to use all the tools that make sense for you.

Those could include:

Write posts to keep users engaged and interested in you.

Regularly post videos and images for your followers.

Allow subscribers to send paid DMs.

Include audio content.

Offer Shout-Outs to your customers (similar to Cameo).

Do live video chat sessions.

Do 1-on-1 chats.

Sell videos in your video store.

Be clear in your messaging

Simple, direct language is best. Remember that your language is not the first language of all your potential fans.

Be prepared to interact with your fans

This is a key component to success. Your fans want your content, but they also want engagement.

Recommended: Use a content calendar

Spontaneity is great, and we recommend the occasional off-calendar content upload.

But this is your business, and your fans are your customers. They subscribe in anticipation that you’ll fulfill your end of the agreement and provide them regularly with fresh content.

To ensure that you’re consistent, figure out what you’re capable of, and then commit to that. Are you going to post daily or weekly? Are you able to schedule live shows?

Just be careful not to overextend yourself. Content creation takes time. It’s better to underpromise and overdeliver than to do the opposite.

Schedule content in advance

Scheduling your content in advance will help ensure you stick to your scheduling commitments while also giving you some freedom. Many creators create their content in bulk and then schedule it into the future.

Use free content to tease your premium subscription

The keyword here is “tease.” We’ve seen great results from creators who offer quality content for free and then save the best stuff for the subscribers. You have to give the free followers enough that they’re desperate to see more, but not so much that there’s no reason for them to subscribe.

Be a professional and invest in your business

We understand if you’re on a shoestring budget, and many creators have done just fine that way. But generally, if you’re shooting videos, you’ll do better if you’re shooting with a quality camera with good audio and good lighting. For your niche, you may need props, set decorations, or other items.

Like any business, spending a little money (within reason) up front can increase your chances of getting your popularity off the ground.

Join us in our weekly webinars

To learn more about these tools and other ways to maximize your revenue, sign up for our weekly webinars and Q&As via calendly right here: calendly.com/loyalfans

best loyalfans page

Image via Unsplash here.

About Loyalfans.com: Loyalfans.com is a premium social media fan club that enables influencers, creators, artists, public figures, and all types of compelling people to interact with and share various forms of original content with their most loyal fans. Creators’ loyal fans can become supporters in exchange for exclusive benefits offered via the platform, facilitating an opportunity to turn individual ingenuity and influence into a thriving business.

Loyalfans invites all people and personalities to create, share, and connect via the platform, thereby manifesting opportunities to earn revenue and grow. Loyalfans welcomes and supports all forms of positive, consensual, creative expression.

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